Soon, You’ll be able to Choose the Kind of Comments you Want to see on your Instagram page

We’ve all seen how Instagram can be one of the most beautiful places on the Internet and how fast it can go to being one of the ugliest.

The ugly side of Instagram comes out in the comments section, where some users are subjected to harassment and hateful criticism.

Before now, you could not avoid the dark side of Instagram as we often regard it as the price one had to pay for all the other cool stuff you get from using the app.
All that is about to change as Instagram’s latest update will put an end to that in a wonderful way.

The Washington Post reports that the company is rolling out a feature that will allow users to truly customize their experience by banning certain words, phrases, and even emoji from the comments on their pictures and videos, or even turning off comments all together.
The feature is being rolled out slowly, first to some “high volume comment” users (so, probably celebrities), and then, eventually, to the rest of us.

Nicky Jackson Colaco, Instagram public policy chief said, “Our goal is to make Instagram a friendly, fun and, most importantly, safe place for self-expression,We have slowly begun to offer accounts with high volume comment threads the option to moderate their comment experience. As we learn, we look forward to improving the comment experience for our broader community.”
Raise your hands if you are for this update because I know I am! It is such a great step toward curbing the growing problem of online harassment.

* Photo Credit: AFP/Joseph Edelson**

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