“Corpsocrats” Trying to Prevent Osinbajo from being Acting President – Fani-Kayode

Femi Fani-Kayode
Former minister of aviation Femi Fani-Kayode has slammed persons he described as “corpsocrats” who he said are trying to prevent Vice President Yemi Osinbajo from taking the role of Acting President since President Buhari is away for medical check up.
Buhari announced on Sunday that he’ll be travelling to London to meet with his doctors for follow up checks, adding that he had sent a letter to the Senate in that effect.
Buhari, who returned to Nigeria on March 9, 2017 after about 60 days in London for treatment of an undisclosed ailment, had announced that he’ll be going back for further checks.
The Senate on Tuesday confirmed receipt of Buhari’s letter.
President of the Senate, Dr Bukola Saraki, read the letter, dated May 5, 2017, at plenary and announced that its transmission to the senate was in accordance with Section 145(1) of the 1999 Constitution.
The letter read:
In compliance with section 145 {1) of the 1999 Constitution as amended, I wish to inform the Distinguished Senate that I will be away for a scheduled medical follow-up with my doctors in London.
The length of my stay will be determined by the doctor’s advice.
While I am away, the Vice President will coordinate the activities of the government. Please accept, the Distinguished Senate President, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Reacting to the letter in the chamber, Senator Mao Ohuabunwa (PDP-Abia) expressed concern that the letter was not explicit on whether or not the Vice President will work in acting capacity in Buhari’s absence.
The lawmaker, who cited Order 43, said that the letter only indicated that the vice president would “coordinate the government,’’ adding that the statement was not in tandem with the Constitution.
He, therefore, urged the senate to disregard the letter in view of the inconsistency.
“I don’t think that in our Constitution, we have anything like Coordinating President or Coordinating Vice President.
It is either you are Vice President or you are Acting President and the letter should be unambiguous and very clear.
So, I am saying that this letter really does not convey anything because coordinating has no space in any place in our Constitution.
We have been having letters like this and we know who to deal with as a Senate.
This is the highest legislative body of any country and if you are sending us letter, it should be direct and unambiguous.
So, I am saying that this letter is not right and maybe, should be sent back,’’ he said.
In his contribution, Deputy Leader of the Senate, Bala Ibn Na’Allah, said that the letter was clear on the transmission of power from the President to the Vice President.
He said:
Let me say that the point of order raised by my colleague and the explanation that subsequently followed should not have been and my reasons are simple.
I still rely on the first paragraph of that letter which the president wrote to this Senate and read by the President of the Senate, which quoted Section 145 of the Constitution.
Any other word in this letter or indeed anywhere else is irrelevant. I therefore feel that the president has done what the Constitution requires him to do.
I urge this Senate not to go ahead to discuss this because it is not an issue. We have the budget and so many other serious issues for us to discuss and Nigerians are waiting.
In his remarks, the President of the Senate, Dr Bukola Saraki, ruled Ohuabunwa out of order.
He said, “in view of the fact that the letter quoted Section 145 (1) of the Constitution which stipulated that the Vice President would work as Acting President, the word ‘coordinate’ should be disregarded.”
“I think it is a very clear issue and what should be guided by is the Constitution and I think that it is clear.
The letter has referred to the Constitution and there’s no ambiguity in the Constitution. So, I don’t think there’s any issue there. Let me rule you out if order, Senator Mao,” Saraki said.
Fani-Kayode, in a series of tweets, said that usage of the word “coordinate” is dangerous and insulting.
“The attempt by the corpsocrats to prevent the Vice President from being Acting President by referring to him in the letter to the Senate as a mere ‘co-ordinator’ is insulting and dangerous.
It is time for us to decide: do we have a nation of equals or not? If not let us break it and go our separate ways!
When you tell us that the Vice President cannot be Acting President even though the President is critically sick and on indefinite medical leave in a foreign country you are playing with fire. There are NO more slaves in Nigeria,” he said.

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