Lilian Ogbuefi: How to be a Slay Mama

The world is constantly changing and as at 2018, it is safe to say that slay mamas have, not only become the queens of Instagram but also, broken financial boundaries to the point where the art of slay mamaing can now identify as a full-time job. Take it from Laura Ikeji whose extreme fashion sense landed her endorsements and subsequently bank alerts. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, but the ballers are those who have developed the innate skill of selling their market. Here are five steps on how to become a slay mama.
Always have your hair done
It goes without saying that the hair is a defining feature in a woman’s body. Whether you wear it long or short, it is extremely important that it is always neatly kept. We understand that the Nigerian economy is hectic so, not everyone may be able to afford human hair. That’s okay. Lagos heat won’t let you be great anyway. A cost-effective option would be to get the locally done braids. Opt for an extra long box or goddess braids and watch yourself-transform from a Sukura to a slay mama.
Less is more
For some reason, Nigerian cloth makers, Aba-made to be precise, have an affinity for multi-colored and floral pieces. They forget that less is more. To be a slay mama, your outfit plays a major role and no matter how much you spend on it, it won’t matter if you always step out looking like a peacock. Opt for neutral classy colors. An all nude ensemble, monochrome or black and then, work your way up.
Invest in good shoes
You might have the neatest hair and the best looking outfit but you’d still end up looking like a clown if your shoes are ridiculous. The idea is to have a complete put together look from head to toe. Invest in a pair of sneakers, a pair of pumps and a pair of neutral colored heeled sandals. That way, whatever look you’re going for, be it casual, formal or professional, you have a pair of shoes that suit your outfit.
Don’t underestimate the light from God
Always take pictures in perfectly good lighting, directly in front of the sun if need be. People tend to underestimate this; but, in reality, the best filter you can get is the one that comes from our heavenly father above. Sunlit photos usually turn out pretty clear and crisp on Instagram. It takes your beauty level from whatever percentage to a hundred real quick. It’s also the only time where ebony chicks can famz the #teamlaiskin without guilt.
A slay mama should always have a lazy day outfit
Everyone knows that the random day your mum sends you to buy boli, and you decide to rush out in your worn out pajamas, is the day you always run into someone from your past. As a future slay mama, it is important to look good at all times. #AlwaysBePrepared #YouWokeUpLikeThis #DonJazzyIsSingleAndSearchingSoIfYouRandomlyRunIntoHimYouHaveLookReadyToShootYourShot
Have an outfit and a large chunky sunglass ready for those errand days when you can’t wear makeup to save your life. A black sweat suit can easily do the trick. Thank me later.
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